St Johns Market, which dates back to 1822, will have a ‘soft opening’ on Monday, 14 November for a two week public preview before its official opening on Friday, 25 […]
Market Stall, 100-102
Butchers and Cooked Meats Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis ornare pretium lobortis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Proin quis nisl sodales, fermentum sem eu, mattis nunc. […]
How the £2M renovation is going!
The market closed in June and is on course to re-open in plenty of time for the Christmas trading rush the council says. Cabinet member for regeneration, Cllr Malcolm Kennedy, […]
Market to undergo £2M refurbishment
he much-loved market, which temporarily closed on 11th June, will be stripped of its 1970s feel and turned into a bright, modern place to shop. The project will see the […]